Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's Play Connect

So the debate has continued about whether this baby is boy girl or both, or neither! Hahaha.
No, but, seriously, it looks a boy in ultrasound but has the lines as well of a girl in the pic we have.
So, I am so confused. 
Really, not that I care either way- I would be happy boy or girl as long as my 3 kids get along.
That is what I want more than anything- a beautiful family that gets along great and will stay close forever. Too much to ask? I think not. 
But still, I really want to know! Its driving me crazy and I think partly is harder for me because I am having a harder time connecting to this baby then I did my last two. 
Is this baby just that stubborn? Or just such a cool Berkeley Hippy baby before its born here? Just going with the flow and just being a little bean growing inside me. 
I am feeling you move as I write this and how is it yet that we have not connected as much? I want to know more about you before you are born beautiful baby! 
Tell me more. 
And you know what?
If you want it to be secret between you and I- I am cool with that too! Just let me know. Chances are I will want to share you with my whole world- but you want just a bond between you and I, I am cool with that too. 
I will be happy with you however you decide to grace me, boy girl, VBAC or repeat cesarean, birth defects or normal, healthy or with health problems. I am your mama! It is not only my job, but my heart and soul will pour deeply into you. I hope you know that. I love you already even though I have not seen your face or touched your beautiful toes yet. 
I do want so bad to know who you are- so I can connect with you all the more when you do come. Know, that even as I sleep and walk, I am still happy for the moment you kick me, hiccup inside me, or even make me have lovely pregnancy moments of throwing up a meal you did not like. I am still with love for you and want to connect. 
So just pick up the phone anytime- I am waiting....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

5 Week Itch

I feel so out of place. I am going to call it the "5 week itch". Meaning, WTF! mode has started.
As in complete confusion, denial, and questioning if my body can do this. I know it can, I simply know it can.
I have had a lack in trying to get ready for it because I don't know if it is really coming- but it has to- my note from my calendar even popped up with 35 weeks! Today!
I have to believe it. I guess I have been so busy and so out of it to notice it. I logically know it but does my body? Does my mind?
How in the world am I suppose to get completely ready for it? Are you ever prepared?
Maybe this is like the cold feet you get before you get married. But this can't be, it is not allowed to be.
Maybe I should let the worry take me over and let it go, but will it try to hold on?

I don't know if it is just me thing, or if this is something that every VBAC mother experiences.
I mean, in some ways there is more anxiety to be had than those of first time moms, just because its like, what the heck happened the first time?
I know as much as I did before hand, why it did not work, but what words can't describe feelings that you can't write down can. And those feelings even I can not pin down.
So what am I to do with that?

Unborn child of mine, I know we can do this! WE CAN DO THIS! Let's conquer this battle and take it one step at a time.
Let's make it painless as possible and with as much bonding and wonderful awe as we can, even if just between you and I.
You essentially hold the unknown key of what I and we can and should do- please tell me, connect with me.

Braxton hicks away, I don't even mind walking around at 3 cm dilated for weeks. I am ok with that- honestly. And I guess I can be ok with if I need another C Section- but I would love
for you to come the way you were meant to. I just would. So whatever it is you need me to do, please tell me, because right now I am running out of steam to even manage to look or do a simple to do list.

Anything appreciated.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What is a VBAC?

A VBAC is medically defined as a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean.

To me, and one of the driving forces of why I am writing this blog, is that a VBAC is much more than that.

A VBAC is a personal, spiritual, physical, mental experience that you go through. And within the general VBAC experience, you have each element filled with complex processes. Any woman who is thinking of or attempting a VBAC will know this. There are so many social struggles we are still fighting against today that were set in place many years ago.  Raise your hand if you have ever heard the term "Once a cesarean, always a cesarean"? I have. It is probably something your OB has been exposed to or taught even.

The trip to convince an OB that VBAC is safe and an option for you can be a long road. It took me 7 months, that is right! 7 months to convince one OB of many in the practice to let me attempt a VBAC after 2 cesareans. One OB thought he knew everything better than me and actually laughed in my face when I talked to him about it. Not supportive at all, not to mention he misdiagnosised me when I got an infection once. So you really need to find an OB that you are going to jive with.

When considering a VBAC, it was a no brainer after researching and reading a few books. "Natural Birth after Cesarean" is a great book and I definitely learned alot from it. It is written by nurses and gives you the real deal and opened my eyes to even things I thought I knew and affirmed other things that I knew, like, "you can do it!"

Did you know that even after having 2 cesareans, if you are healthy otherwise, you can have a healthy VBAC and the risks are much lower? How many times have you heard "the risk is too high" or heard something about uterine rupture? Low and behold, research shows that alot of uterine ruptures are not on the cesarean line, which is the reason they will give you, and is often found when a cesarean is performed and is not related- this I learned from the book "Natural Birth after Cesarean." Your healing time as well, is so much less and you are able to walk and do things at a much faster pace. Not to mention, cesareans are major surgery!!! (With how common this procedure is today, some may not think so, but it definitely is!).

A VBAC venture will require that you dig deep into yourself and find the determination of "you can do it!" You may have a long road just to convince a OB to let you do one. Than do your research- when you approach your OB, go with the information you want them to know. Think of it as a midterm paper for a class without writing the paper- you need to convince the OB, who may not have all the information. And more importantly, you want to show that you are 1) serious about it and 2) you are informing yourself about everything regarding VBACs.

For some women, those who have been sexually abused or been told their were too small (that you had a small pelvic outlet), or had family members daunt them over their sexual/medical choices, or been affected by social stigma in any way, or anything else- you have to take the inner journey and work through it. If you have had issues surrounding your reproductive life socially, sexually, or medically, chances are some of it may come up when you go into labour. And you may not even know it. It could be what makes your uterus tight, your labour longer, your contractions more painful. Going through it can be extremely liberating for you and so beneficial to the experience you have. And you can ask, how do I know this. Well, to be honest, I have been affected by all the above. And I can say that I think that unconsciously or consciously it played a role in how my first labor played out and the difference between then and now is tremendous. That is the journey I am taking and I feel the difference, even in pregnancy. I encourage for you to do it as well.

The physical aspect of it, of course, would be diet, exercise, and things you do on the physical plane to get your body ready. For example, stretching for the opening of the pelvis, drinking pregnancy tea to tone the uterus, two of the many things I will talk about. It takes effort but it is so well worth it. For me, I weighed more than I should pre pregnancy- when I began the 3rd trimester, I was still about at my pre pregnancy weight- which is great news for me. I am finding as the third trimester continues, as the baby's weight continues to grow, I am having a very difficult time watching what I eat. So I will go through that process as well.

The mental aspect is of course the self education and the self determination to do it. You need both to be able to do a VBAC. That will be obvious when I post about that, but needing to have all of your body mind and spirit in sync is so important to have the best birth experience ever, regardless of your choice in the end.

That is my personal challenge and my challenge to you- try to sync the body mind and spirit for the best birth experience ever!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to "2 Months To Go"

My name is Victoria- I have an amazing husband in graduate school and two beautiful toddlers, a 4.5 year old son, and a 2.5 almost 3 year old daughter.

As you can guess from the title of the blog, I am due in about 2 months with my 3rd baby!

December 2nd, 2010!! 

I am attempting to do a VBAC after two cesearans. That is what this blog is all about! It is the quest for me, and hopefully very useful to other women as well. 

I want to address everything about VBAC attempts and journal my process, my research and journey in my own attempt. I will be going through pieces of research and books I come across, give the process for how I am attempting my VBAC, and not just the obvious physical aspect of it. What will I do in the 3rd trimester to communicate with my unborn child? What methods of exercise and diet and lifestyle will I do in my 3rd trimester to ensure that I have done what I can to have a natural labour? And many more things!

I encourage every one to comment, advise, or ask questions! Please do! The more we all learn the better. I would love nothing more than this to be interactive!