Monday, October 11, 2010

Welcome to "2 Months To Go"

My name is Victoria- I have an amazing husband in graduate school and two beautiful toddlers, a 4.5 year old son, and a 2.5 almost 3 year old daughter.

As you can guess from the title of the blog, I am due in about 2 months with my 3rd baby!

December 2nd, 2010!! 

I am attempting to do a VBAC after two cesearans. That is what this blog is all about! It is the quest for me, and hopefully very useful to other women as well. 

I want to address everything about VBAC attempts and journal my process, my research and journey in my own attempt. I will be going through pieces of research and books I come across, give the process for how I am attempting my VBAC, and not just the obvious physical aspect of it. What will I do in the 3rd trimester to communicate with my unborn child? What methods of exercise and diet and lifestyle will I do in my 3rd trimester to ensure that I have done what I can to have a natural labour? And many more things!

I encourage every one to comment, advise, or ask questions! Please do! The more we all learn the better. I would love nothing more than this to be interactive!