Thursday, October 28, 2010

5 Week Itch

I feel so out of place. I am going to call it the "5 week itch". Meaning, WTF! mode has started.
As in complete confusion, denial, and questioning if my body can do this. I know it can, I simply know it can.
I have had a lack in trying to get ready for it because I don't know if it is really coming- but it has to- my note from my calendar even popped up with 35 weeks! Today!
I have to believe it. I guess I have been so busy and so out of it to notice it. I logically know it but does my body? Does my mind?
How in the world am I suppose to get completely ready for it? Are you ever prepared?
Maybe this is like the cold feet you get before you get married. But this can't be, it is not allowed to be.
Maybe I should let the worry take me over and let it go, but will it try to hold on?

I don't know if it is just me thing, or if this is something that every VBAC mother experiences.
I mean, in some ways there is more anxiety to be had than those of first time moms, just because its like, what the heck happened the first time?
I know as much as I did before hand, why it did not work, but what words can't describe feelings that you can't write down can. And those feelings even I can not pin down.
So what am I to do with that?

Unborn child of mine, I know we can do this! WE CAN DO THIS! Let's conquer this battle and take it one step at a time.
Let's make it painless as possible and with as much bonding and wonderful awe as we can, even if just between you and I.
You essentially hold the unknown key of what I and we can and should do- please tell me, connect with me.

Braxton hicks away, I don't even mind walking around at 3 cm dilated for weeks. I am ok with that- honestly. And I guess I can be ok with if I need another C Section- but I would love
for you to come the way you were meant to. I just would. So whatever it is you need me to do, please tell me, because right now I am running out of steam to even manage to look or do a simple to do list.

Anything appreciated.

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